When you choose to buy from Hawaiiplots.com, you can be assured that you are acquiring a quality cemetery/burial plot with the best price and picturesque views. All our plots are certified by cemetery staff and are always new inventory.
Here are some questions we might ask to help you in your search for the perfect resting place.
1. How easy is it to buy a plot?-Easy as 1,2,3. First pick a plot on your own from our inventory or with one of us(optional). Once you picked a plot we set up a time to transfer ownership. Finally you will come in to sign a few papers and thats it.
2. How many plots do you need?-We have a variety of plots including side-by-side plots available. A plot can also be used for an urn instead of a casket.
3. What is the difference between your plots and the plots that they sell at the cemetery?-There is no difference we use certified plots that have never been used. The only difference is the price. On average we can save our customers 40%-60% off the cemetery retail price.
4. What is a single interment plot or a double interment plot? -A double interment plot will allow 2 caskets. A single will allow 1 casket.
5. What is your budget? -We price our plots extremely affordable. Not to be confused with cheap, our inventory is exceptionally choice in location. "Pre-Need" or before death is the time you can save the most. Pre-need is the time where most cemeteries give a discount. "At Need" or when a death occurs is time you can still save too, just ask us how.
6. What if I don't have a lot of time and need to speed things up? -Please contact us. Our inventory is current and available at your request. Once you call and know what you want we can start the transfer that day. Depending on the cemetery it can be transferred from the same day to a few days in general.
7. How do we transfer ownership of a plot? -We will meet with you at the Cemetery's administration building to transfer signed papers over in-person with authorized staff present.
8. When do I pay for plot/ how do I pay? -We will gladly accept cashiers check or cash at time of ownership transfer.
9. Do all I need is a plot? -The burial or cemetery plot is the most important step and the first step. A plot does not include a funeralplan (casket,dressing) opening/closing, vault, headstone, vase.
10. Where can I buy funeral plans and merchandise? -Funeral plans are offered at the cemetery offices. Merchandise like caskets and headstones can be purchased from other suppliers. It is a good idea to shop around and see where you can save the most. We can help you with most merchandise needs just give us a call.